Innovate Healthcare Services

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Healthcare Connected: CWICR Transforms Information Sharing Across Coventry and Warwickshire 

Phase 1 of the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Record (CWICR) Programme has reached a successful conclusion, delivering over 36 technical implementations by the dedicated Innovate CWICR Programme team. This milestone represents a significant advancement in the seamless sharing of patient information across the region. 

The CWICR connects health and social care professionals from key local organisations, including South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT), George Eliot Hospital (GEH), University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire (UHCW), Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (CWPT), Warwickshire County Council (WCC), Coventry City Council (CCC), and West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAS). 

As part of Phase 1, Innovate successfully implemented a wide range of datasets to be accessible on the ICR, enabling seamless sharing of vital patient information for the first time across our local region. These include admission, discharge, and transfer data, as well as laboratory and radiology data from SWFT, GEH, and UHCW.  

Social care records from WCC and CCC have also been integrated, alongside under-18s data shared across health and social care organisations, including SWFT, GEH, CWPT, WCC, and WMAS. Additionally, primary care GP records, mental health records from CWPT, and ambulance/999 data and documents from WMAS have been added to the platform. 

This innovative system provides holistic access to patient records, fostering stronger collaboration between health and social care teams and enabling professionals to deliver seamless care to patients across Coventry and Warwickshire. With the CWICR, the healthcare community is empowered to make informed decisions, improving patient outcomes and strengthening partnerships across the sector. 

Alec Price-Forbes, national Chief Clinical Information Officer (CCIO) for NHS England and a consultant rheumatologist, reflected on the impact of the CWICR, stating: "I previously felt like I was working in the dark, facing challenges accessing wider patient information. The ICR shines a light, providing everything I need to know about my patients at my fingertips. Now I have reassurance that I have the complete picture, which enables me to provide a higher quality of care to my patients.” 

Georgina Gordon, CWICR Programme Manager, shared her thoughts on the success of Phase 1: "The completion of Phase 1 is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. It’s been fantastic to receive feedback from participating organisations about how the CWICR has already enhanced communication and improved the way we work together to support our patients.  

“Looking ahead, we are excited to prepare for Phase 2, which includes plans to increase the amount of information available on the ICR and improve functionality. This next phase will build on the successes of Phase 1, driving even greater improvements in care delivery across the region." 

Innovate is proud to have played a key role in delivering this transformative programme across Coventry and Warwickshire and remains committed to driving improved collaboration within the local healthcare community.  

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